Membership to CNY Snow Travelers is open to all winter enthusiasts!
In 2006 the Snowmobile Rights and Responsibilities Act was signed into law. The object of SRRA is to promote safety and education, and increase the volunteer base of snowmobile clubs that maintain trail systems in NY. Snowmobilers that are members of a NYSSA recognized club will save $55 on their yearly registration. Those that are not members must pay $100 for registration. Either way, the state takes $10 and the balance is returned to the clubs in trail funding.
You can take advantage of the savings for club members by joining now (click here to join CNY Snow Travelers Inc). We charge the state minimum of $30.00 to join which includes your NYSSA membership. Lifetime memberships are available for $255. After becoming a life member, you only need to pay your $5 NYSSA dues and $1 for Sled NY each year.
Our annual dues are $30.00, which includes membership to NYSSA. If you are already a member of NYSSA, either direct or through another snowmobile club, please provide your current membership number and club name with your application.
Fill out the application, print it, sign it, make your check payable to CNY Snow Travelers, Inc., and mail it to the address on the application
Club By-Laws
** Contact our membership administrator Carter Collins, please at 315-527-4754 for any further questions regarding your membership.
Please note: All Lifetime and Landowner vouchers must be issued by the club. They can not be obtained by the NYSSA voucher system. The NYSSA voucher system can only process the $30.00 charge for Individual or Family memberships.